Race #2 12.03.23

Published on 3 December 2023 at 14:58

Our race date of Saturday December the 3rd was RAINED out and we had to postpone until Sunday December the 4th. Qualifying and finishing will be posted below. Drivers participated in a 5 minute qualifying session. Drivers were able to run for 5 minutes and use their best lap for their qualifying time! 

Driver: Giselle Hicks

Beginner Box Feature Winner

Beginner Box Stock

This division had 3 drivers show up ready to race their first race of the winter season. These drivers were eager to practice, qualify and race! The Giselle Hicks the number 21g showed up and showed out. She qualified on the pole with turning a 14.749 in her 16th lap during the 5 minute qualifying session closely followed by the number 9 of Maverick Bradsher with a 15.148 in his 14th lap and the number 51 of Carly McDuffee with a 15.673 in her 15th lap. With less than a full second between the 3 drivers qualifying times Giselle Hicks was going to be given a run for her money and have to fight for her win. Giselle Hicks come away with her first win here at HPPGKT! 

1st - 21g Giselle Hicks

2nd - 9 Maverick Bradsher

3rd - 51 Carly McDuffee

Box Stock Wing

After a hard fought battle between Kenny Roettger and Cameron Hyler at our Season Opener they came back ready to fight it out again alongside Alex Slade and Ellie Messer. With the race being postponed until Sunday due to rain, Roettger had to enlist a friend to sub drive for him due to prior engagements. During the 5 minute qualifying session racers fought hard to secure their starting line up. The number 16 of Alex Slade set the fast time of 13.965 landing him on the pole, to his side starting in second place was the fast time set by Ellie Messer the number 11e. Starting on the inside of the second row in third place was the number 27 of Cameron Hyler with a qualifying time of 14.351 and starting in fourth place was the number 7 of Kenny Roettger driven by his sub driver, Wil Spencer. With drivers approaching turn 4 on their first lap Cameron Hyler brought out the caution causing the field to reset to take the green again. The Box Stock drivers took the green for the second time and Ellie Messer brought out the caution in turn one resetting the field once again. The field was lined back up and finally were able to complete their first lap locking the field into their positions, fighting to see who was going to come out on top. The 16 of Alex Slade took the checkered flag and winning his first race with HPPGKT! Alex Slade had came out to do some tested and did not expect to win! 

Driver: Alex Slade

Box Stock Feature Winner

1st - 16 Alex Slade

2nd - 11e Ellie Messer

3rd - 27 Cameron Hyler

4th - 7 Kenny Roettger (Sub Driver Wil Spencer)

Driver: Aubree Griffies

Junior Young Guns Feature Winner

Driver: Hunter Morgan 

Junior Predator Feature Winner

Junior Young Guns and Junior Predator

Running unopposed in our Junior Predator class the 09 of Hunter Morgan qualified with a 14.842 while running with the Junior Young Guns class. In the Junior Young Guns class the winner of our Season Opener the number 10 of Aubree Griffies set the pole with a 16.434 followed by the 10z of Zander Harris who finished third in the Season Opener. The number 15 of Luke Ervin started third in the class with a qualifying time of 17.193 and the number 17 of Elijah Tompkins started fourth with a time of 18.311. Hunter Morgan led the mixed class of drivers to the checked flag winning first place for Junior Predator followed by Aubree Griffies who secured her second with for the season!

Junior Young Guns

1st - 10 Aubree Griffies

2nd - 10z Zander Harris

3rd - 15 Luke Ervin

4th - 17 Elijah Tompkins

Junior Predator

1st - 09 Hunter Morgan

Driver: Rylan Tallent

Junior Stars Champ Feature Winner

Driver: Journey Barnes

Cadet Box Stock Feature Winner

Junior Stars Champ Buggy and Cadet Box Stock

Both up and coming new drivers #30 Rylan Tallent and #27 Journey Barnes both took the track for their first official races of their young careers. Both young drivers run unopposed and secured their FIRST WINS! We look forward to watching them progress and learn more throughout their racing careers! Congratulations to both Rylan Tallent and Journey Barnes! Kids are the Future of Racing! 

Driver: Joey Lail

Stock Predator 325 Feature Winner

Stock Predator 325

During the 5 minute qualifying session our Predator 325 2023 Season Champion Joey Lail took the pole with a qualifying time of 15.214. Starting on his outside Season Opener winner Amber Poplin with a qualifying time of 16.418 followed by new racer Dakota Newman who qualified third with a time of 18.885. Season Champion Joey Lail fought off a hard charging Amber Poplin to secure his first win of the Winter Season. 

1st - 41 Joey Lail

2nd - 17 Amber Poplin

3rd - 47 Dakota Newman

Stock Predator 375

Wayne Boulin pulled out a close win after qualifying on the pole. Boulin qualified with a time of 16.219 to start on the pole over Frank Moody who qualified with a time of 18.932. Wayne Boulin and Frank Moody fought from the green flag until the checked flag. Wayne Boulin took the checked flag over Frank Moody with a time difference of 0.492 seconds. 

1st - 27 Wayne Boulin

2nd - 54 Frank Moody

Driver: Wayne Boulin

Stock Predator 375 Feature Winner

Driver: Ayden Owens

Pro Predator 325 Feature Winner

Pro Predator 325

8 drivers showed up to compete for the win in our Pro Predator 325 class. #218 of Ayden Owens set the pole with a time of 13.198. #12 of Austin Johnson started in second place with a time of 13.903. TJ Wilson's sub driver Tim Hoggard was set to start in third with a time of 14.032. Ricky Dennie's sub driver Eddie Gilbert started fourth with a time of 14.043. Chad Grant started fifth with a time of 14.609. Beside Chad Grant in sixth Noah Elder with 14.668. Rounding out the field in seventh Chandler Burkey and in eighth Jesse Calloway with 15.765. Once the green flag fell the 218 of Ayden Owens never looked back taking the checkered flag.

1st - 218 Ayden Owens

2nd - 28 TJ Wilson (Sub Driver Tim Hoggard)

3rd - 12 Austin Johnson

4th - 6 Ricky Dennie (Sub Driver Eddie Gilbert)

5th - 11 Noah Elder

6th - 90 Chad Grant

7th - 23k Jesse Calloway

8th - 16 Chandler Burkey

Pro Predator 375

Aaron Storie qualified on the pole with a qualifying time of 13.577 and took the checkered flag. Chasing close behind him starting in second and finishing in second with a qualifying time of 13.756 was the hard charging Tim Hoggard. Starting inside on the second row was Austin Johnson with a time of 13.850 and to his outside DJ Little sub driver for Ricky Dennie with 14.711. Starting on the inside of the third row in the fifth position Brian Poteet and to his outside Ben Staas who qualified with a 15.512. 

1st - 22x Aaron Storie

2nd - 69 Tim Hoggard

3rd - 12 Austin Johnson

4th - 6 Ricky Dennie (Sub Driver DJ Little) 

5th - 16 Brian Poteet

6th - 69x Ben Staas

7th - 11 Dustin Little Sr. 

Driver: Aaron Storie

Pro Predator 375 Feature Winner

Driver: Austin Johnson

Clone Medium and Clone Heavy Feature Winner

Clone Medium and Clone Heavy

In Clone Medium the 12 Austin Johnson took the pole with a time of 13.962 followed by the 47 of Noah Elder with a 14.623. In Clone Heavy Donovan Culbreth took the pole with 14.555 followed by Matt Weber and Austin Johnson who did not qualify. Austin Johnson held off Noah Elder in the Clone Medium and quickly took the lead in the Clone Heavy to park it in Victory Lane in both classes. 

Clone Medium

1st - 12 Austin Johnson

2nd - 47 Noah Elder

Clone Heavy

1st - 12 Austin Johnson

2nd - 23 Donovan Culbreth

3rd - 35 Matt Weber


#95 of Bryson Gilbert qualified on the pole with a 13.374 and was the only RWYB driver to qualify.  In the main event Wayne Flech #36 took the checkered flag followed by Bryson Gilbert #95 and Ian Isringhausen #97. 

1st - 36 Wayne Felch

2nd - 95 Bryson Gilbert

3rd - 97 Ian Isringshausen